Gaurav Khanna
Former CSCDR Co-Director
Interests: computational physics; cosmology; gravitation; astrophysics; high-performance computing
Sigal Gottlieb
CSCDR Director
Interests: strong stability preserving time discretizations; spectral methods; numerical methods for hyperbolic PDE
Mehdi Raessi
CSCDR Deputy Director
Interests: scientific computing; interfacial flows; microscale transport; materials processing; biofluid mechanics
Arghavan Louhghalam
CSCDR Deputy Director
Interests: Quantitative Engineering Sustainability, Fracture Mechanics and Durability, Dynamics and Random Vibration, Risk and Reliability Assessment of Infrastructures
Geoffrey Cowles
CSCDR Deputy Director
Interests: sediment and wave modeling; adaptive mesh refinement; computational ship hydrodynamics; GPU and high performance computing; marine renewable energy
Yanlai Chen
CSCDR Deputy Director
Interests: numerical analysis; scientific computing; computational partial differential equations