International Conference in Honor of

Saul Abarbanel's 80th Birthday

June 28 - 29, 2011, Tel Aviv University, Israel


We wish to thank the following for their contribution to the success of this conference: European Office of Aerospace Research and Development, Air Force Office of Scientific Research, United States Air Force Research Laboratory (, and Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel.

List of Abstracts

Speaker: Chi-Wang Shu, Division of Applied Mathematics, Brown University

Title: Maximum-principle-satisfying and positivity-preserving high order discontinuous Galerkin and finite volume schemes for conservation laws


We construct uniformly high order accurate discontinuous Galerkin (DG) and weighted essentially non-oscillatory (WENO) finite volume (FV) schemes satisfying a strict maximum principle for scalar conservation laws and passive convection in incompressible flows, and positivity preserving for density and pressure for compressible Euler equations. A general framework (for arbitrary order of accuracy) is established to construct a limiter for the DG or FV method with first order Euler forward time discretization solving one dimensional scalar conservation laws. Strong stability preserving (SSP) high order time discretizations will keep the maximum principle and make the scheme uniformly high order in space and time. One remarkable property of this approach is that it is straightforward to extend the method to two and higher dimensions. The same limiter can be shown to preserve the maximum principle for the DG or FV scheme solving two-dimensional incompressible Euler equations in the vorticity stream-function formulation, or any passive convection equation with an incompressible velocity field. A suitable generalization results in a high order DG or FV scheme satisfying positivity preserving property for density and pressure for compressible Euler equations. Numerical tests demonstrating the good performance of the scheme will be reported. This is a joint work with Xiangxiong Zhang.

Speaker: Jennifer K. Ryan, Delft Institute for Applied Mathematics, Delft University of Technology

Title: Position-Dependent Smoothness-Increasing Accuracy-Conserving Filtering for Discontinuous Galerkin Solutions


Speaker: Roger Temam, Indiana University, Bloomington

Title: Implementation of non local boundary condtions in the equations of the atmosphere and the oceans.


It has been known for a long time that the inviscid equations of the atmosphere and the oceans, the so-called primitive equations, necessitate nonlocal boundary conditions, unlike the Euler equations to which they relate. Description and implementation of appropriate boundary conditions raise a number of theoretical and numerical difficulties which we will describe and review in this lecture.

Speaker: Semyon Tsynkov, NC State University (Raleigh, NC, USA)

Title: Quasi-Lacunae of Maxwell’s Equations.


Classical lacunae (in the sense of Petrowsky) in the solutions of hyperbolic differential equations and systems are a manifestation of the Huygens' principle. If the source terms are compactly supported in space and time, then, at any finite location in space, the solution becomes identically zero after a finite interval of time. In other words, the propagating waves have sharp aft fronts. For Maxwell's equations though, even if the currents that drive the field are compactly supported in time, they may still lead to the accumulation of charges. In that case, the solution won't have the lacunae per se. We show, however, that the notion of classical lacunae can be generalized, and that even when the steady-state charges are present, the waves still have sharp aft fronts. Yet behind those aft fronts, there is a non-zero electrostatic solution rather than identical zero. In this case, we refer to quasi-lacunae as opposed to conventional lacunae. Quasi-lacunae of Maxwell’s equations can be efficiently exploited in the numerical context. Indeed, the performance of many well-known methods used for the treatment of outer boundaries in computational electromagnetism may deteriorate over long time intervals. The methods found susceptible to this undesirable phenomenon include various artificial boundary conditions and perfectly matched layers. We propose a universal algorithm for correcting this problem. It relies on quasi-lacunae and the Huygens’ principle, and guarantees a temporally uniform error bound regardless of either why the deterioration has originally occurred, or how it actually manifested itself. In collaboration with S. Petropavlovsky (Moscow, Russia)

Speaker: Daniel Michelson, Department of Computer Science & Applied Mathematics, The Weizmann Institute of Science

Title: Non-linear Stability of Shock Waves for Multi-dimensional Viscous Conservation Laws


Speaker: Alina Chertock, North Carolina State University

Title: Interaction Dynamics of Singular Wave Fronts Computed by Particle Methods


Some of the most impressive singular wave fronts seen in Nature are the transbasin oceanic internal waves, which may be observed from a space shuttle, as they propagate and interact with each other. The characteristic feature of these strongly nonlinear waves is that they reconnect whenever any two of them collide transversely. The dynamics of these internal wave fronts is governed by the so-called EPDiff equation, which, in particular, coincides with the dispersionless case of the Camassa-Holm (CH) equation for shallow water in one- and two-dimensions. Typical weak solutions of the EPDiff equation are contact discontinuities that carry momentum so that wavefront interactions represent collisions in which momentum is exchanged. The equation admits solutions that are nonlinear superpositions of traveling waves and troughs that have a discontinuity in the first derivative at their peaks and therefore are called peakons. Capturing these solutions numerically is a challenging task especially when a peakon-antipeakon interaction needs to be resolved. In this talk, I will present a particle method for the numerical simulation and investigation of solitary wave structures of the EPDiff equation in one and two dimensions. I will show that the discretization of the EPDiff by means of the particle method preserves the basic Hamiltonian, the weak and variational structure of the original problem, and respects the conservation laws associated with symmetry under the Euclidean group. I will also present a convergence analysis of the proposed particle method in 1-D. Finally, I will demonstrate the performance of the particle methods on a number of numerical examples in both one and two dimensions. The numerical results illustrate that the particle method has superior features and represent huge computational savings when the initial data of interest lies on a submanifold. The method can also be effectively implemented in straightforward fashion in a parallel computing environment for arbitrary initial data.

Speaker: Gadi Fibich, Tel Aviv University

Title: Continuations of the nonlinear Schrodinger equation beyond the singularity


Speaker: Eli Turkel, Tel Aviv University

Title: High Accuracy Solution of the Helmholtz Equation in General Shaped Domains and Interfaces


Speaker: Moshe Goldberg, Technion

Title: The $Theta$-Method for Parabolic Initial-Value Problems


In this talk we present an updated review of a well known family of finite-difference schemes for parabolic initial-value problems, known as the $theta$-method.

Speaker: Wai Sun Don, Hong Kong Baptist University

Title: High Order Weighted Essentially Non-Oscillatory WENO-Z schemes for Hyperbolic Conservation Laws




Speaker: Zeev Schuss, Department of Mathematics, Tel-Aviv University


Abstract: The narrow escape problem in diffusion theory, which goes back to Lord Rayleigh, is to calculate the mean first passage time, also called the narrow escape time (NET), of a Brownian particle to a small absorbing window on the otherwise reflecting boundary of a bounded domain. The renewed interest in the NET problem is due to its relevance in molecular biology and biophysics. The small window often represents a small target on a cellular membrane, such as a protein channel, which is a target for ions, a receptor for neurotransmitter molecules in a neuronal synapse, a narrow neck in the neuronal spine, which is a target for calcium ions, and so on. The leading order singularity of the Neumann function for a regular domain strongly depends on the geometric properties of the boundary. It can give a smaller contribution than the regular part to the absorption flux through the small window when it is located near a boundary cusp. We find the dependence of the absorption flux on the geometric properties of the domain and thus reveal geometrical features that can modulate the flux. This indicates a possible way to physiologically code information. 

Joint work with  Amit Singer (Department of Mathematics and PACM, Princeton) and D. Holcman and N. Hoze
(Département de Mathématiques et de Biologie, Ecole Normale Supérieure, France)


Speaker: Doron Levy, Department of Mathematics and Center for Scientific Computation and Mathematical Modeling University of Maryland, College Park

Title: Mathematical Models of Leukemia, Cancer Stem Cells, and Drug Resistance


Leukemia is a cancer of the blood that is characterized by an abnormal production of white blood cells. Traditional approaches for treating leukemia combine chemotherapy, radiotherapy, and bone marrow (or stem cell) transplants. The treatment of Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia (CML) was revolutionized over the past decade with the introduction of new molecular-targeted drugs. Unfortunately, these drugs keep many patients in remission but do not cure the disease. In this talk we will also discuss our recent work on mathematical models of cancer stem cells and their role in developing drug resistance. When combined with clinical and experimental data, our mathematical analysis of drug resistance provides new insights on how to approach treating CML. This is a joint work with Peter Kim, Cristian Tomasetti, and Peter Lee.

Speaker: Michael Sever, Hebrew University, Jerusalem

Title: Higher order differencing of some second order hyperbolic systems


Leapfrog time differencing results in high order accuracy for a class of symmetric hyperbolic systems. We show how coefficients depending smoothly on the space variables is compatible with this approach and with a minimal stencil for the space discretization. The order of accuracy survives low regularity of the solution caused by low regularity initial data. For some examples of nonsmooth coefficients, some improvement in acuracy can be recovered by careful space discretization.

Speaker: Dalia Fishelov, Afeka- Tel-Aviv Academic College of Engineering

Title: The discrete biharmonic equation- optimal convergence in one dimension.


A fourth-order compact scheme for the one-dimensional biharmonic problem has recently been used as a primary building block in discrete approximations to the two-dimensional biharmonic operator. In this talk it is analyzed in detail, taking into account the effect of the boundary points. The elliptic property of (sharp) coercivity is verified for the discrete operator; its interpretation in terms of stability of the scheme leads (by an energy method) to a proof of convergence of the discrete solution to the continuous one. However, due to the low order of the truncation error near the boundary, this proof yields a non-optimal rate of convergence. Using a matrix representation of the discrete biharmonic operator and studying carefully its spectral properties, optimal (fourth-order) convergence is established.

Speaker: Michael Bialy, Tel-Aviv University

Title: Rich quasi-linear systems which are not in the evolution form.


The aim of this talk is to consider quasi-linear systems of conservation laws which are not in the form of evolution equations. We propose a new, more general, condition of Richness for such a system and prove that the blow up analysis along characteristic curves can be performed for it in an analogous manner. This opens a possibility to use this ansatz not only for Hydro-dynamics but also for geometric problems.

Speaker: Jan Hesthaven, Brown University

Title: Absorbing layer methods for the low-speed compressible Navier-Stokes equations.


While the development of perfectly matched layer (PML) methods have had a profound impact on the ability to accurately model complex linear wave problems in open domains, the general extension of such techniques to nonlinear wave problems remains elusive. In this talk we show how taking a step back and considering the BGK approximation for Boltzmann equation suggests a path that allows the development of PML style layers for the compressible Navier-Stokes equations. While we shall focus on the low-speed case, it appears that similar ideas are applicable to the transonic case with minor changes. We shall discuss the different elements of these developments and illustrate the performance of the absorbing layers for a number of preliminary benchmarks. This work is done in collaboration with Z. Gao (Ocean University of China) and T. Warburton (Rice University).

Speaker: Hillel Tal-Ezer

Title: Highly Accurate Algorithm for Time-Dependent PDEs


Speaker: Sigal Gottlieb, UMass Dartmouth

Title: The development and state of the art of strong stability preserving methods.


Strong stability preserving time discretizations were developed for use with total variation diminishing spatial discretizations, and proven useful for the time evolution of ordinary differential equations resulting from a method-of-lines discretization of hyperbolic PDEs. In this talk, I describe the historical development of strong stability preserving methods, and the current state of the art in this field.

Speaker: Steve Schochet, Tel-Aviv University

Title: Remarks on CFL conditions and on Nonlinear Stability


In the first part, some precise CFL conditions will be explicitly computed. In the second part, an improved convergence theory for finite difference schemes for quasilinear symmetric hyperbolic systems will be described. The theory requires only the same smoothness needed for the existence theory of the PDEs themselves. Most of the results in this part will appear in the forthcoming PhD thesis of Liat Even-Dar Mandel.

Speaker: Adi Ditkowski

Title: Analysis of the Du Fort-Frankel methods


Speaker: David Levin, Tel-Aviv University

Title: Extrapolation Models for Acceleration and Extension


We discuss the role of linear models for two extrapolation problems. The first is the extrapolation to the limit of infinite series, i.e. convergence acceleration. The second is an extension problem: Given function values on a domain D, possibly with noise, we would like to extend the function to a larger domain. In addition to smoothness at the boundary of D, the extension on should also resemble behavioral trends of the function on D, such as growth and decay or even oscillations. In both problems we discuss the univariate and the bivariate cases, and emphasize the role of linear models with varying coefficients.